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Society for Healthcare
Volunteer Leaders

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Webinars & Networking Sessions

Our monthly webinar education series will resume in April

We hope to see you all at our annual education conference in March in wonderful
New Orleans, Louisiana for three full days of learning and networking! 

Upcoming events

No events available

SHVL Members - Missed a session?

Visit our *Members Only Page and watch at your convenience under "Your Time Learning" 

(*You must be logged in as a member to access the Members Only Page)

If you attended a live Webinar or Moderated Networking and would like to receive CEs,

please complete the post webinar survey found HERE so we can verify your attendance

and a certificate will be emailed to the address you provide 

Have Questions?

Contact us at

*For the best online experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. If you are using Google Chrome and are experiencing issues, please try accessing our website from a non-hospital computer. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us using the email address above. 

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