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Society for Healthcare
Volunteer Leaders

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Certification Forum

Do you have questions about the Certification process? 

You must be a member of SHVL and logged in to your profile to create "Topics" (questions) or to comment on someone else's topic.

Search the forums using keywords to see if your topic already exists.

    • If it does, you can click "Create Comment" to add additional information.
    • If it does not, click the "Create Topic" button below to begin your question to your peers. (you must be logged in to create topics or comments).

Please subscribe to this forum by clicking the green "Subscribe" link. You will then receive email notifications for responses and new questions added to the forum. 

Have Questions?

Contact us at

*For the best online experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. If you are using Google Chrome and are experiencing issues, please try accessing our website from a non-hospital computer. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us using the email address above. 

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