Hi Cindy,
We have a clothing closet located close to our ER's but its available for anyone that needs it. The Auxiliary will provide clean underwear in a small variety of sizes, socks and will occasionally purchase t-shirts and sweat pants that can accommodate men or women. We stopped taking donations from the public and most employees as we were getting things that were not needed. Prior to Covid we had a "giving tree" in the ER lobby of one of our hospitals that had little kits of personal care items - deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc. along with new socks that someone in need to could take. We keep that in the closet now and they can give it out as needed. Hope this helps. It can get away from you and be hard to manage so you need someone (chaplains) to check it monthly at least.
Barb Wright, CDVS
Director Volunteer Services
Tennova Healthcare