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Society for Healthcare

Volunteer Leaders

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telling their story survey

  • Thursday, January 03, 2013 3:05 PM
    Message # 1171218

    Hi all,

    I am looking for a questionnaire to mail to volunteers that will assist them in "telling their story".  What I mean by that is I would like to have some stories from current volunteers to use in recruitment efforts as well as an event I am planning later this month.  I want to hear from current volunteers about what brought them to volunteer with us, why they continue, what they get from it, and why someone should volunteer here.  I fear that many will not give this information because it would involve a lot of writing on their part.  I am looking for (and will create, if no one responds) a check-list type that will help them "tell their story" without a lot of paragraph writing.  I think I will get a better response if they can just circle or check off reasons, then I could have a place for them to also write a brief sentence or two, if they want. 

    So, has anyone tried this and if so, will you share?  If you have not done this, please give your ideas to me on what I should include. 

    Thanks in advance.


  • Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:15 PM
    Reply # 1171276 on 1171218
    Deleted user
    Patty, if you end up creating this yourself I would really like to see it :)
  • Friday, January 04, 2013 8:22 AM
    Reply # 1171664 on 1171218
    Deleted user
    We do what we call "stories of care" but everyone is asked to write about the episode their selves OR they can contact PR and they will supply a rep to take the details and write the story.  I like your easier idea and would like to see your finished product. 
  • Friday, January 04, 2013 8:51 AM
    Reply # 1171684 on 1171218
    What a great idea! We do a publication from our Marketing Department (which I am a part of) and we typically have volunteer stories included with 2 in our upcoming issue. I would be interested in seeing a final draft as well! Thanks
  • Friday, January 04, 2013 12:12 PM
    Reply # 1171801 on 1171218
    Deleted user

    I have used statements from volunteers attached with their pictures that read in a snapshot why they volunteer.  I have made flyers of these for posting in varrious locations around town, used them at varrious times in the newspaper and a few also appear on our website under the volunteer tab. 

    A couple of years ago I began doing volutneer newsletters.  These are mailed out to volunteers and departments in the hospital (most of you prob already do this).  The purpose was two fold; one to use as another communication tool for volunteers and two to communicate to employees (this is not large newsletter just front and back of a standard page).  What I wanted to communicate to employees was...each volunteer is just not a person who has limited ability and elderly, I wanted to break the myth or prehaps the vison most have in their mind about the little elderly women sitting behind the front desk in a pink jacket.  I feature a volunteer; men and women, in each quarterly newsletter (yes, it will take me forever to highlight each one).  I interview them, I want to make sure I get  a few "funny" items in also.  I highlight their edcuation, leadership, jobs in or outside the home, etc. along with volunteer placement.... You all get the jist.  I interview them because it is easier for me to sing their praises then perhaps themselves.  That being said, I do indeed have many that would speak highly of themselves all day:) 

    Hope this is helpful

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