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Volunteer Leaders

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Cost Saving

  • Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:36 AM
    Message # 1258375
    Good Morning! I am curious as to whether any of your hospitals are really looking at cost saving measures (aren't we always) and maybe some things that you all have come up with to help with this issue? Thanks!
  • Thursday, April 04, 2013 8:01 AM
    Reply # 1259540 on 1258375
    Carol Biagini (Administrator)

    I have reduced the number of volunteers by combining some of the positions.  ie:  volunteer will go to one unit for a couple of hours (as the work load for the volunteer decreased over time); then the volunteer will go to another area that requested a volunteer, but did not have a full four hours shift each week; then the volunteered moved on to a third department.  by reducing the nubmer of volunteers, I have saved on the food budget as we provide a meal for active volunteers before or after the shift.  Less gifts to buy, less banquet meals to order, less labor intensive for the DVS in keeping track of volunteers, etc...

    Also, found a new vendor for uniforms.  Volunteers purchase their uniform tops.  Found a local shop for the golf (polo) shirts and use medline for consistency in color and style for the jackets and vests.

  • Monday, May 13, 2013 7:49 AM
    Reply # 1291764 on 1258375

    We put a cap on the meal amount our volunteers can get each working day ($6).  We have eliminated all awards/recognition ceremonies, pins, gifts, etc.  We do still pay for their uniforms.

    In the past year, we eliminated the Meals on Wheels program, transitioning the clients to the local Senior Center services.  That took about 200 volunteers from my program and all expenses associated with the Meals on Wheels.  That was a huge cost savings for the hospital because that program never did sustain itself.


  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013 8:21 AM
    Reply # 1292676 on 1258375
    Deleted user

    Right now, I have not been able to fill the evening/every other weekend gift shop cashier position...not my choice.  So, we are flexing the two full timers in order to cover those times and our Auxiliary i spaying the salary of the one person.  We are also placing volunteers in multiple positions that do no justify a full four hours.

    As hospitals transition from inpatient to outpatient, we all have to come up with more creative usage of our volunteers.

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