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Society for Healthcare

Volunteer Leaders

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State Hospital Volunteer Organizations

  • Wednesday, July 12, 2023 10:03 AM
    Message # 13226817

    Are you active in any state organizations for hospital volunteers? 

    For example, I'm on the committee for volunteer services at Kentucky Hospital Associations. I was curious about other state organizations/committees/boards. 

    If so can you give me some details? Is it made up of volunteers, volunteer staff, a mix, do you have conferences, networking session, quarterly meetings, give out scholarships, awards, etc.?

  • Friday, July 14, 2023 8:30 AM
    Reply # 13227765 on 13226817
    Alex Seblatnigg (Administrator)

    Hi Nicole,

    I'm a member of the leadership team of my state org (Georgia) through the Georgia Hospital Association. GHA has a director of membership societies who is our staff liaison. GHA holds and disburses funds and does lots of the big logistics for our annual and smaller conferences, like hotel contracts and related items. Our leadership team includes this liaison but otherwise is all volunteers from member hospitals. We meet monthly to manage society business, such as sponsorship levels for conferences, ed session content, awards and the like. We host a multi-day annual conference in the spring as well as a one-day fall ed session. (After our February conference we decided to move to a fall conference in 2024 so will have 2 one-day sessions in fall 2023 and spring 2024, and then our annual conference in fall 2024.) We do have awards to recognize both our outstanding gift shops and exceptional volunteer programs. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to talk more specifics.


  • Friday, July 14, 2023 11:15 AM
    Reply # 13227867 on 13226817

     I'm a member of the leadership team of one of my state organizations in Iowa.  We are called LIHV (Leaders of Iowa's Healthcare Volunteers).  LIHV members are volunteer leaders and no auxiliary members.  We hold a one-day conference in the fall and in the spring.  We charge an annual fee to be a member ($50).

    The Iowa Hospital Association (IHA) has a VP of Corporate Relations who is our staff liaison for our IHAV (Iowa Hospital Auxilian and Volunteer) group. IHAV has a board that consists of Volunteer Leaders and Auxiliary members.   They meet quarterly and host a one-day annual membership meeting. 

  • Monday, July 17, 2023 9:18 AM
    Reply # 13228710 on 13226817

    Thank you both so much for your responses, this is helpful, and I will pass along the info. 

    How many members does the committee consist of? Do you have conferences, events or fundraising sales through the organization? 

  • Tuesday, July 18, 2023 2:25 PM
    Reply # 13229422 on 13226817

    How many members does the committee consist of?

    For LIHV there are President, VP, Past President, Treasurer/Membership, Secretary.  

    For IHAV - 8 board members and one staff person.  

    Do you have conferences, events or fundraising sales through the organization? 

    LIHV- 2 conferences a year, no fundraising

    IHAV- 1-2 conferences a year, no fundraising .

  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:48 AM
    Reply # 13229717 on 13226817

    Hi Nicole - I'm a member of California Hospital Association's (CHA) Committee on Volunteer Services.  The committee includes paid volunteer management staff and volunteers/auxilians.  CHA has a Volunteer Services Program Manager who works with the committee on our annual conference, mini-conferences and provides overall support to California hospital volunteer programs.  Historically our annual conference has been in February and our mini-conferences (Northern California and Southern California) are in the fall.   The committee helps secure sponsorship, speakers and attendees for the both the annual and mini-conferences.  Our annual conference is two days and our mini-conferences are one day.  Please reach out if you would like additional details. 

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