We do a lunch for ours and play games for prizes. We put the prizes on a table and they get to pick. Sometimes we have done dirty Santa with them. That is always fun. Do you have a Hobby Lobby in your area? We catch things on sale from there to use as gifts. All their summer stuff is 75-90% off right now so we have gone and stocked up on gift things for them for the Annual Review in April and Volunteer Week. Ours always love it.
Last year, in April, we did a charcuterie class. I bought them all a board and the food. We had the food (meat, cheeses, veggies and fruits) washed, if needed and separated into small zip lock bags. They could walk by and choose the foods they wanted to include. I taught them how to make roses out of meat and cheese. Stick men from celery, worms with grapes and strawberries. They had a blast plus they got to eat the food and take the board home with them. even our guys liked it.