We discontinued ours many years ago, and like you have had recent pressure to reinstate it from Nursing Admiistration and the RN's. After going to the inpatient tower and the areas where longer outpatient procedures are performed, it became obvious we will not reintroduce the service.
Unit Secretaries shared:
Patients are generally stay such a short time or are too sick/involved in care activities to need or want reading materials.
Longer term patients are bringing laptops and tablets. In the outpatient areas we actually have loaner tablets and an agreement with the library to provide them with e-literature the patient chooses.
There already are magazines and books available in waiting areas and the Gift Shop.
Infection control:
The vehicle must be sprayed down with VIREX after each shift on which it is used. This then must be air dried before it can be used again (and is then sticky, they told us).
No materials can be returned to the cart by any patient or visitor
But most of all, the volunteers did not support this at all, one even saying it was a "1950's activity". When this is added to the "who will clean, where will they be stored, where is the reading material coming from" issues this one is just not a winner any longer.