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Society for Healthcare

Volunteer Leaders

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Volunteer Recognition

  • Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:09 PM
    Message # 1526286
    Deleted user
    I have just returned from the SHVL Conference.  The leadership did a WONDERFUL job, and I felt as though I came away with a LOT ... now to sort through it!  One of the things I learned about was this forum, so I'm taking advantage of it. 

    Our Volunteer Recognition Program is transitioning, and I have a few questions:

    1) Could you give ideas of how you recognize your volunteers?  If you have any recognition guidelines in place that you could send to me, that would be great!

    2) Does anyone have a "Dream Team" type of program?  Dream Team meaning those who can no longer volunteer on a weekly basis but come in to do special projects, etc.  If so, could you send the criteria?

    3) Does anyone have "Lifetime Members" ... those who have been with the volunteer program for some time but are now unable to volunteer on a weekly basis but are involved in other ways, etc.?  If so, could you send the criteria?

    Thank you so much!
  • Thursday, March 27, 2014 1:39 PM
    Reply # 1526304 on 1526286
    Deleted user
    Hi Ranetta!!

    We have a volunteer luncheon during recognition week and recognize hours, years of service, above and beyond, rising star and volunteer of the year. Rising stars are outstanding volunteers with less than 200 hours of service.  Above and Beyond are outstanding volunteers with between 200-2000 hours of service.  Volunteer of the year is outstanding volunteer with more than 2000 hours and more than 5 years of service.

    I do not have a "dream team" as you mentioned.  But I do have volunteers who are classified as non-traditional and some of them fit the situation you mentioned.  If they dont give any kind of service in 6 months time, then we archive them.

    Our Emeritus members are those who have left service but who gave more than 500 hours of lifetime service.  We continue to send them newsletters and invite them to all of our lunches.
  • Friday, March 28, 2014 8:56 AM
    Reply # 1526848 on 1526286
    Deleted user
    Thanks so much, Jamine!
  • Monday, March 31, 2014 11:02 AM
    Reply # 1528472 on 1526286

    Glad you enjoyed the conference, Ranetta!  Hope to see you in Asheville.

    Our program is similar to Jamine's in that we do an awards luncheon and recognize both length of service and number of hours--though I'm trying to convert to only hours.  We also have a "emeritus" status that we maintain contact with, but they no longer attend activities.

    We also provide a volunteer gift at the luncheon and at Christmas as well.

  • Monday, March 31, 2014 2:04 PM
    Reply # 1528621 on 1526286

    My volunteers are a little "different".  They adamantly refuse recognition during any time but the Monday after Mother's Day which of course happens to be the Monday of Hospital Week.  That day is totally dedicated to them and the service they provide, capped by a themed banquet where our Leadership Team waits table (often in costume) for them.  At the banquet they receive their hours recognition, and they present certificates to various departments for the purchase of major medical equipment.  It is unbelievably fun, and everyone looks forward to participating. 

    My administration actively includes volunteers in all the employee events, holiday gifts and so on.  Volunteers have won the major customer service awards, sit on employee service teams, and are involve in many many areas of the health system.  We have a "Walk of Service" outside our main entry where deseased volunteers are recognized as well.

    As far as Emeretus status, the group has not expressed interest in that, retirement luncheons or any similar concept.

    The "Occasional" class I see tend to be disabled and focused on sewing projects for various groups.  We do not count them as official volunteers as they create their projects away from the facility and bring them in when complete.

  • Tuesday, April 01, 2014 8:44 AM
    Reply # 1529128 on 1526286
    Deleted user
    Thank you for your input.  It is appreciated.
  • Tuesday, April 01, 2014 11:17 AM
    Reply # 1529240 on 1526286
    Our recognition is similar.  We have an awards luncheon where we give out hour pins, years pins, volunteer of the year and above and beyond. WE give certificates to each volunteer stating their total hours volunteered and a small gift.  In our break room each day of volunteer week we have snacks and punch. As far as 'reitred' volunteers, we have a Shining Stars program for those no longer able to volunteer, they meet once a month 7 months out of the year for a speaker and lunch.  They can do paperwork or volunteer for special projects. We have life members, anyone can become a life member & their membership payment goes toward our scholarship fund.

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