My gift shop used to run by volunteers but now it is outsourced with Lori's Gift Shops. Brief history is as follows:
We had a paid gift shop manager who ran the shop for about 12 years and did a wonderful job. Shop always made good money. Volunteers staffed the shop during the day and paid folks at night. Manager decided to retire and the replacement we hired did a terrible job and ran the shop into the ground. Shop lost huge amounts of money. We ended up firing her and hiring a temporary replacement.
In the meantime we received a letter from our lawyers stating we had a problem with the Fair Labor Standards Act in the way we were running our gift shop and we had to either be all paid or all volunteer. We asked our volunteers about taking it over and running and they did not feel comfortable doing so.
At this point, in the face of having to fully staff and get back to profitable, we decided to look at outsourcing. We did some research, visited some shops, and decided it was the best option for us.
We have been very pleased with Lori's!! And the volunteer office makes a good little chunk of money each year for hospital projects. :)