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Gift Shop question to all directors

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  • Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:00 AM
    Message # 179935
    Is your gift shop run by volunteers or outsourced?  If you are outsourced, who runs the shop?
  • Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:11 AM
    Reply # 180249 on 179935

    Hi Pat,

    My Gift Shop is run by volunteers but I have a paid manager  and 2 paid clerks.  My manager is FT;one clerk is PT and the other has no benefits.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:02 AM
    Reply # 180265 on 179935
    Deleted user

    My gift shop used to run by volunteers but now it is outsourced with Lori's Gift Shops.  Brief history is as follows:

    We had a paid gift shop manager who ran the shop for about 12 years and did a wonderful job.  Shop always made good money.  Volunteers staffed the shop during the day and paid folks at night.  Manager decided to retire and the replacement we hired did a terrible job and ran the shop into the ground.  Shop lost huge amounts of money.  We ended up firing her and hiring a temporary replacement. 

    In the meantime we received a letter from our lawyers stating we had a problem with the Fair Labor Standards Act in the way we were running our gift shop and we had to either be all paid or all volunteer.  We asked our volunteers about taking it over and running and they did not feel comfortable doing so.

    At this point, in the face of having to fully staff and get back to profitable, we decided to look at outsourcing.  We did some research, visited some shops, and decided it was the best option for us.

    We have been very pleased with Lori's!!  And the volunteer office makes a good little chunk of money each year for hospital projects. :)

  • Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:45 PM
    Reply # 1415074 on 179935
    Deleted user
    I'm curious to know, with the current state of the healthcare situation, are any of you feeling pressure to outsource your gift shop?
  • Friday, October 18, 2013 9:51 AM
    Reply # 1415776 on 179935


    At this time we are not… I do not like the thought of outsource. If you have or hire a GS manager that knows what he/she doing there is no need in outsourcing. The days of an all volunteers staff is outdated, I’m not saying not to have volunteers in the shops you need them. You must treat the GS like a department of the hospital. We have 4 paid staff (2FT and 2PT) and 8 volunteers that help us.  

  • Friday, October 18, 2013 10:29 AM
    Reply # 1415807 on 179935
    Deleted user

    Our shop is managed with a director and part-time staff with volunteers assisting (doing different duties than the staff).  We are fortunate in that administration looks at the shop as a community service to our patients, families, staff and visitors.

    It it a function of our Auxiliary.  Having said all of the above, it has turned a profit every year (what grandma can visit a grandchild without a stuffed animal???).

    We have an outstanding manager who rotates merchandise constantly.  From one week to the next it looks like a new shop, and she can find a bargain at market like no one else I have ever seen.


  • Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:04 AM
    Reply # 1416673 on 179935

    We have a paid manager and the shop is staffed entirely by volunteers.  The manager is outstanding!  She has volunteer display chairmen who rotate stock weekly, including the jewelry in cases.  She has volunteer card chairs (take care of card inventory and ordering), jewelry chairs, plush chairs, candy and sundry chairs, stockroom chairs, etc.  Without the volunteer leadership talking responsibility for many different parts, the job would be too much for one paid person. 

    A few years ago we researched outsourcing, but with what the shop currently makes, it was not to our benefit to do so.


  • Monday, October 21, 2013 8:52 AM
    Reply # 1417949 on 179935
    Deleted user

    Our Gift Shop has changed to a paid manager this year.  She does the buying and day to day management.  Everything else is done by volunteers.  We have increased our profits so well with the paid manager that we will not be outsourcing.  

  • Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:31 PM
    Reply # 1424871 on 179935
    We have 2 shops runs by a paid Mananger (with tons of retail experience) and a n assistant Manager.They are staffed totally by volunteers, we make a profit and receive tons of compliments from ouour staff. I am not a fan of outsourcing at all, know some that did it and eventually took it back. If yoyou get a good retail person in there to manage it, it will work and you an cater to your employees. ThThe volunteers do differrent things than the paid managers.
  • Thursday, October 31, 2013 8:40 AM
    Reply # 1425278 on 179935
    Deleted user
    I do not have plans to outsource but am looking into building an ecommerce store to add to our gift shop.  I have a paid manager and volunteers working in the shop.  Ecommerce is the only way I can see at this time to build sales.  I have also checked into something called Snap Retail to help market the shop through Facebook.  Definitely interesting concept. 
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