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Painting classes

  • Monday, March 14, 2016 9:33 AM
    Message # 3879733
    Deleted user

    I have been approached by an employee who wants to teach painting classes in the hospital.  This would be in a central location, not in individual patient rooms.  Do any of you do this at your hospitals?  If so , who do you invite to paint and how do you invite them?

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2016 7:21 AM
    Reply # 3881612 on 3879733

    I am also interested in this information. 



  • Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:34 AM
    Reply # 3881695 on 3879733
    Carol Biagini (Administrator)

    We do not do this in an acute care setting, but, do it in long term care.  The "event" is posted on a monthly calendar and all residents receive a copy of the calendar.  Whomever is up to participating in the event for the day is welcome to attend.  Perhaps it could be done through a rehab area.

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2016 10:21 AM
    Reply # 3882277 on 3879733
    Deleted user

    As you can imagine, we do this at a Children's Hospital in our "Room of Magic."

  • Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:36 AM
    Reply # 3884372 on 3879733
    Deleted user

    We did this on only one occasion.  A local artist from the community came to offer a one time session for about 2 hours.  We did this for our volunteers as a "fun" event, but they did have to pay for the session.   They all went away with a painting that they could display in their home for the holidays or give as a gift.  The paintings were very cute and the volunteers had a lot of fun.  We did this in the cafeteria where set up/clean up was very easy.

  • Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:48 AM
    Reply # 3884399 on 3879733

    As part of our Healing Arts program we have offered painting classes.  These were started for cancer patients/survivors.  Recent classes were opened to employees and offered during lunchtime.  Very well received!

    Other classes in the program have included bow-making and healthy crock pot cooking.  These were the two most popular ones! 

  • Thursday, March 17, 2016 8:36 AM
    Reply # 3887021 on 3879733
    Deleted user

    We have an award winning Arts in Medicine program and I am blessed with an exceptional Expressive Arts Coordinator.  (who is a certified Art Therapist who works for us part time)   She takes painting to the staff recommended patients as well as offering occasional art classes FREE  to our staff or volunteers.  She gives the paints in small condiment containers to cut down on mess and waste.  The patients relax more doing an "art" activity.   She trains volunteers to take the Art Cart around and manages to keep it supplied for little more than $200 per month.  I happy to share more info with anyone.    

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