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Auxiliaries with 501-C3 status

  • Wednesday, May 04, 2016 4:41 PM
    Message # 4002866
    Deleted user

    I would like to hear from any of you who have your Auxiliary under their own 501C3.  Also, what are the pros/coms of just coming under the Hospital's tax exempt umbrella?   Thanks

  • Thursday, May 05, 2016 8:30 AM
    Reply # 4004098 on 4002866
    Deleted user

    My guild is not an independent 501-c3.  I would say the pros are having more control over the group, and the monies are held at the foundation so if the auxiliary or guild disbands, the money still belongs to the hospital.

    The only con I see is we have to go through more regulated finance channels, so it is more difficult to use the money.  Takes longer to get checks, etc.

  • Thursday, May 05, 2016 9:41 AM
    Reply # 4004191 on 4002866
    Deleted user

    Hi Amy, our Auxiliary is their own 501-C3.  We feel there is no con.  The pro is that we have more control over our accounts.  Our auxiliary determines where the money they donate to the hospital is spent.  Yes, it goes through the philantropy office but is restricted.  Also, our hospital does not pay in net 30 days and we do. 

  • Friday, May 06, 2016 9:05 AM
    Reply # 4006383 on 4002866
    Deleted user

    Our Auxiliary is a separate 501-C3, that is still an entity of the hospital. The Auxiliary maintains their own bank accounts and accounting records, but all records are sent to the hospital's accountants monthly and for annual filing. I see it as the best of both worlds because the Auxiliary has the autonomy for decision making in regards to their budget, but not the responsibility for tax filing.  

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