Shelly Reed asked this question on the SDVSHO email:
With the recent changes in our economy, our hospital is cutting our budget tighter than ever before. A recent decision was made to dissolve our contract with JCAHO and utilize our state health department in ensuring our compliance. This will save our hospital almost $30,000 this year. Have any of your hospitals chosen to do the same? If so, are the standards for the Volunteer Services Department any different through your state health department than when you were with JCAHO? Do I need to make any changes in our program, documentation, and/or reporting practices?
I know this is a BIG question, so thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
Shelly Reed, CDVS
Director, Volunteer Services
Saline Memorial Hospital
#1 Medical Park Drive
Benton, Arkansas 72015
PH. (501) 776-6007
FX. (501) 776-6928